
Eyebrow Hair Loss: 3 Causes And Treatments

Have you noticed your eyebrows getting thinner and sparser over time? Similar to the hair that grows on your head, eyebrow hair can start thinning or stop growing completely. There might be a variety of reasons why you experience this--whatever the cause, it can cause a significant decrease in your confidence and self-esteem. Here's all you need to know: Alopecia areata Many people suffer from an autoimmune disease known as alopecia areata , where the immune system mistakenly targets parts of their own bodies as an enemy and proceeds to attack. This disease tends to target hair follicles--the place where individual hairs are grown--to slow down or completely stop their production. Alopecia areata can cause a complete disappearance of all your hair, frontal scarring, or random spots of hair loss. There are no known reasons for why this disease gets triggered, but it comes and goes in waves. Affected individuals can even lose their fingernails! Nutrient deficiencies The human body ne